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Spooky stories – click only if you’re brave enough to read them:)

Do you like stories which send chills down your spine? If you do, here are the spooky stories written by your schoolmates as part of the Halloween Spooky Stories Contest. Enjoy!

Blood and Roses by Malwina Szcześniak
Haunted House by Małgorzata Pieńkowska

Blood and Roses by Malwina Szcześniak

It was my favourite day of the year – the 31st of October. On this day we celebrate Halloween. I invited my friends to my house. One of them came with her strange cousin. Her name was Selen. She was obsessed with ghosts and scary stories. When we sat in the circle in the candlelight, Selen, with madness in her eyes, started telling the story about Elizabeth Batory – a Hungarian princess.

That lady was very cruel to her servants. She used to beat them and she ordered them to do degrading things. When somebody opposed, Elizabeth burnt him alive. The princess believed in black magic. She thought that blood of innocent virgin could make her life longer and that thanks to it she would always be young and beautiful. Because of that, she tortured girls and bathed in their blood afterwards. Elizabeth used to cover rotting bodies with roses – her favourite flowers.

blood-soak-red-roseOne day the folk rebelled. Someone sneaked into the Elizabeth’s room and stabbed her three times, while she was admiring her beauty in the mirror.

People say that mirror can imprison human souls, so when somebody dies we should cover mirrors. Nobody did it! Her horrible soul stayed in the mirror forever!

Elizabeth is called “Bloody Marry” in history. The legend says that if somebody says “Bloody Marry” three times in front of mirror at midnight, he can see her!

Coming back to this Halloween meeting, we didn’t believe in Selen’s words. We wanted to check them! One of us came up the mirror in the hall. When she said “Bloody Marry” once, it suddenly got colder. When she said it twice, everybody felt wind and cadaverous smell. When she said it for the third time… all candles went off ! In the darkness we heard her scream and the sound of a breaking mirror. When we went to the hall, we noticed it was empty. She was gone! On the floor we found a rose in a pool of her blood…

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Make sure you exist…

The ages before the birth of Christ are commonly labelled BC and those after – AD. It makes me think of the world now, and what comes to my mind is that we  should introduce new acronyms to refer to our times – BF and AF. What do these stand for? Have you already guessed? Continue reading

Is ebook a book?

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This commercial really made my day when I first saw it. It’s brilliant and whenever I watch it, it makes me smile. But it also makes me think about books. Continue reading

Know America – a competition worth a try!


Anybody interested in taking part? I do recommend!
For more information click here: